A lot can be learned from the outcome of the U.S. Presidential elections.
Firstly, speaking in tune with the electorate is absolutely essential.
Trump's message was simple and to the point. Whether he was right or wrong was secondary. His message was very clear. This government has failed, and therefore must be replaced. The workforce is struggling for disappearing jobs. The "system" is corrupt. Immigrants and Muslims cause trouble. He's willing to act in the people's interest.
Secondly, Trump offers a fresh approach to government.
He's a political novice, bucking the system and the Republican party. Nobody in the existing party hierarchy gave him much support, so clearly he's "fresh".
Thirdly, the Democrats has ruled in the White House for eight straight years, with a black President. Obama beat Clinton for the nomination precisely because he was "fresh". But white America has not forgiven itself for allowing Obama in. It's time to make amends.
Clinton is better qualified to be President. But Trump has the right resonance with the electorate.
Then there's tv.
If you don't impress on tv, you lose in USA. Trump is made for tv. Clinton plods and digs in the House and while serving all these long years, which is great for job-qualification, but that's not tv.
Here in Malaysia, many could take note from this US "upset". UMNO should realise that their longevity may work against them in the next GE. A worn party, beset with scandals, seems ripe for a beating by a new voice.