Thursday, January 21, 2016

It's about Mahathir.


The Wednesday brouhaha in Alor Star involving the 14 Divisional UMNO heads was all about Mahathir. The son is just a scapegoat.

The presence of Najib's staff at the meeting prior to the p.c. is telling. I mean how stupid does he think we all are ?

All this talk  about UMNO's cooperation with PAS, an old  sworn enemy, and this bunch of idiots can't even get along with their own boss ? C'mon-lah !

First of all, as with Najib's case, you can't remove the MB with  a press conference. Otherwise Najib would have been long gone.

Secondly, who's making the performance assessment ? When I was a GM, none of my subordinates were  in position to do that.  Only the MD and the Chairman had the power.

Thirdly, it's only 2.5 years ago that UMNO squeezed back to power in Kedah. The State Assembly now has 19 UMNO memebers, 15 PAS and 2 MCA. Taking out MCA, UMNO has a majority of only a measely 4 over PAS. At the p.c. exactly 4 Divisional heads, plus Mukhriz, the 5th. one, were missing. Can they get the simple majority ? Having just scraped through the last GE, shouldn't they work to strengthen the party instead of weakening it further ?

Since then people have fought back on the side of hapless Mukhriz. The MB has made his stand - only the people can decide. He was duly elected, appointed and consented to by the Sultan, and he's staying put.

Why are Najib's supporters so scared of the old man, that a son  is perceived dangerous and needs to be removed ?
