Come 21st. February, everybody's going to S2 for Amal's betrothal. Already Idah and I have made several trips to the house to lend moral support, give ideas for the occasion. They want to have an all-brothers & sisters affair only, but that easily means about 150 people and counting.
Calit and Ina have already started. They want a simple but classy affair. They seem to have the right ideas, including choosing me as the spokesman. Idah, as usual, has a lot of suggestions, so much so last night Calit suggested they start the bridal business, operating from the home. Why not do something they love and make some money at the same time ? You could easily undercut some of the more expensive services around.
Since the house is on a cul-de-sac, Calit should be able to get the affected neighbours to cooperate and erect his tents nicely on the road. If it's buffet-style eating, parking shouldn't be too much bother - there's ample space right down the road junction.
It's three weeks to go. I'll start rummaging for the old notes - must make some old pantuns and what-not, and make the future"besans" squirm a bit.