Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Justice, fairplay, politics & the weather.


It's the underlying cause, the rule of the game, the overpowering force or the unexpected turn - that's the connection here. The common effect is they affect us all, like it or not. I tell Dekna that if she's not concerned with the carriage of justice, then she might as well do something else - be a cook or a singer (she's got a nice voice, untrained, but nice) or whatever. The shortcomings of the law, the weaknesses of the court-room arguments, the errors of the bench, the sloppy investigations of the police etc. are the given reality that is not without, as the jurist says, remedy.

Change the law, corroborate the arguments, remove the incompetent judges, upgrade the investigative forces - it all seems so logical a remedy. Difficult. But logical. The mission should always remain that in the long run, justice prevails. 

What's fairplay ? That there should be a level playing field ? What about "all's fair in love and war ?" There are no level fields. 

Politics is an excuse to do the meanest thing imagineable. Politics make the most digusting deed somehow less so, palatable even ! 

The weather beats everybody. Most certainly beaten are the weather experts, the meteoroligists. That's the nature of it. And the opposite extremes make it even more fun. It's always too little water here and too much there. Too hot here and too cold there. Too much wind here and too stifling there. 

So where's the justice of siding with half of Libya and annihilating the other half ? Condoning the Jewish occupation and ignoring the Palestinian suffering ? Condemning nuclear development, but only if it's not American or American-sponsored ? 

Where's the fairness of throwing the entire military might of the West on small and under-armed states ? So Might is Right after all. 

What's political in the freedom of the press, and the spin of the news?  It has to be the western agenda and the way of life it is accustomed to.  The small states, many trying to stabilise the after-effects of  colonisation,  dealing with lives made  difficult by selfish national policies of the big western economies, seem irrelevent issues and a distraction to the export of western-style "democracy" and "freedom of speech". What about the freedom of choice ? 

Only the weather remains, therefore, impartial about where it strikes. Maybe the rich have more to lose if the winds and the waves hit hard. 


Thursday, May 5, 2011

The terrorist.


It depends on one's opinion. It was Saddam. And the North Koreans. Now it's Gadaffi. But for the last ten years it had always been Osama.

In fact even the now embattled Gadaffi blames Osama for his troubles. And when Obama broke news that his boys have finally done Osama in, towns across the Great Civilised American Nation of Democracy, Freedom and Peace broke into spontaneous jubilation that the Hated Enemy is finished. I wonder who it was that was said to cower behind his wife before being shot in the head and hurriedly dumped into the Arabian Sea ? 

And the stoic demeanour of Obama in the announcement looked staged. I mean, here is the No. One Enemy killed at last, after all the declarations in the previous two Great Presidential Elections about making it First Priority  getting Osama dead or alive.  Obama didn't even smile. 

When I get a difficult birdie on the golf course, I jump up and down ! How to prove it was indeed Osama, when the body is forever lost ? Who has led an entire so-called peace-loving and civilised nation into armed invasions of foreign and Independent countries on the slightest excuse of helping save lives and Democracy ? Is not Democracy  freedom of choice ? Never mind if it means killing innocent people, so long as they are not one of us ?  

So who's the terrorist ?
