Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Some signs to ponder on.

 Wed 21.8.2024

I've yet to write about my 5th. motorcycle accident in 60 years of riding. This happened on Friday 2.8.2024. But that's a whole different story, to be told.

Yesterday's incident wasn't so painful, but for a short while was equally distressful.

The sub-committee meeting was scheduled for 10 am. I had 1 hour to kill, so I stopped at the Penghulu Cantik eating place. I didn't get anything to eat or drink, because I met Mary Anne's husband at the first shop I walked into. We've not met for some time, so by the time it was half-an-hour to my appointed time, we had to cut short our talk.

I was surprised the few free parking slots at the kitchen entrance of the Royal Chulan, normally not fully taken because of its location, were all full. So I entered the basement parking, and got another surprise. I went around both B1 and B2 parking floors, and practically all available parking was taken up. What's happening, I was wondering. Maybe there's a function or some group meetings on. So I squeezed into a vacant spot close to the entrance/exit that I took, now I had to turn back to.  Later I learned that the hotel offers full buffet breakfast at RM 20 per person on the 20th. of each month, when the normal charge is double that. That explained the big crowd that again surprised me when I secured an empty table for 6 outside the main dining area. That also explained why later I met Dr. Akbar and missus coming out of the dining area, obviously having come for the discounted breakfast.

We had our short meeting at the table I'd picked. There were 5 of us, out of the 7 expected.

Foo and I were the last to leave. Foo went to settle the food bill; I went to the washroom before leaving the hotel.

I took the elevator to B2, where I parked the car.

As I walked to the car, I groped for my keys, and suddenly realized that the leather card-holder usually in my left trouser pocket wasn't there. Panic came. I rushed back to the lift, went to the washroom, asking a guy there if he'd seen my black wallet. I rushed out and went back to the table we sat at. It was already cleared. I went to the waitress who was still there and got a negative response. I went to the front counter, because I stopped there earlier, before turning to the elevators, close to it. All negative responses. My heart was pounding.

That little leather wallet carries all my credit cards, Club card, MUBARAK card, Ex ADUN Card, golf  club and golf insurance card, the T & G card for parking and the highway tolls, and all my bank cards. If I lost this lot I won't die. But I might as well.

Then I thought. Maybe I left it in the car. 

I was struggling to find parking space, and when I found one, I was still a bit annoyed about the state of affairs as I tried to park close to the large pillar. 

So I now rushed to the car, joining a lady in the lift, going to B1. I told her without being asked that I've lost my card-holder. She didn't say a thing.

The cardholder was in the front seat.

This, and the accident on 2.8.2024. Are these signs ?

I'm still pondering. 


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