Friday, March 15, 2024

My dear li'l Habib.

Sat 5th Ramadan 1445 H. (16.3.2024).

Habib will be 3 in 6 months. This 12th. grandchild is Dekna's 4th, youngest, and  most likely last offspring. Born at 8.32 a.m., Monday 6.9.2021 (28 Muharram, 1443 H.) in HTJ Seremban, he weighed a good 2.76 kg. He's fair-skinned, like the mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother. But like the other elder siblings, the birth was caesarian. That's one reason Dekna underwent a procedure that removed the possibility of another child.

Habib grew well enough into a lively 1 year-old. There appeared to be no feeding, nursing or cognitive issues - smiling when happy, crying when hungry or wet, and responding to touch, especially by the parents and grandma.

But after learning to walk at about 13 months, we noticed the lack of eye-contact and response to call. He was super-active, though, running around the house, often round and round the furniture. He makes childish sounds, and is often engrossed by the children's programs on tv. But no effort  at teaching words brought result. We often compare him with tots about his age we would see in the supermarkets. They made eye-contact and were already picking intelligible words.

Dekna took him for tests that found his hearing and eyesight ok. I didn't utter the actual word, but suggested several times that Habib be properly assessed by a pediatrician.

Dekna must have consulted her friends. Sure enough, there is a case that was given the proper professional care early, and that child is now responding well.

I'd read-up about the symptoms, and Dekna must have done the same. The wife is very critical of my comments made to her, not Dekna. I said you have to call it out, so the right action is taken. I didn't say this to Dekna. The wife said Dekna is quite upset by hints before, and had cried. I didn't see this coming.

Happily, on her own, Dekna had enrolled Habib for his first lesson at the special class in Senawang, yesterday. She said it costs RM1,600 per month. I kept quiet. There's nothing that is more important than the right care for Habib. 

One out of 100 children get this  condition. Many stories abound about autism, and the treatment.  I pray to God Habib would enjoy  the successes seen before, worldwide. 


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