Saturday, December 20, 2008

An occasion to remember a loved one.


What religion forbids display of love within the scope of propriety ?

One can go on forever in praise of a good friend, a long acquaintance.

What about honouring the memory of the mother you had, the one that carried you for nine long months, who endured pain that was next to death in bringing you out to the world, and she is no more ?  The mother who fed you till you could feed yourself, even if you believe she did nothing else to improve the quality of your existence?  

If the religion you practise says it is wrong to honour the memory of a loved one, then it's not a true religion. May God have  mercy on you.

If making a statement about your  belief is more important to you than the honouring of  the memory of your own mother, then it strengthens me in my belief that my little gratitude finds redemption in God's Countenance. 

I pray that my offsprings would have some of that gratitude.


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