Friday, October 31, 2008



The news today(Friday, 31st. Oct) seems to be that the UMNO General Assembly  remains at March '09. If so, that spells trouble.

5 months are forever in UMNO politics. If you people haven't seen money-politics, then just watch the UMNO Youth elections and hang on to your hats.

The real fight is between MM and KJ. You can call it the battle of the proxies. KT is the one who has been spending the most, according to many observers. But the ex-MB is probably in a different league.

KJ's f.i.l. made the fatal mistake of taking on MM Sr. He underestimated the old man's influence and overestimated his own intelligence . 

You must remember that KJ is the No. 2, while MM is an ordinary exco in the Pemuda. In the last 4 years KJ spoke like a stand-in for the PM, making pronouncements on everything that should have come from Hishamuddin. Remember, until GE12  KJ wasn't even in the Government.

KJ's nominations equal KT's and are only about 20 less than MM. But don't be fooled by these. Many Pemuda leaders are beholden to KJ. Buying of votes, discreet or otherwise, pressures the Division  people  into ostensibly nominating their benefector. But the secret votes in the real elections could be different.

This is a thinking man's election.

If you think KJ is the right one, KJ wins. If you think MM is the one, he wins.

The truth of the matter is, whoever wins will become the next President of the Party.

Members will be best advised to scrutinise these 2 fellows - what they say, what they do, and how they conduct themselves on and off camera. What they have said, what they have done, and how they have conducted themselves are well known, and merit serious consideration.

We all must condemn money politics simply because it produces corrupt leaders. Perhaps the kampong delegates can put a twist to it. Take the money, even if you feel it's wrong. Vote the right person. That's not wrong.



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